8th International Colloquium on Dialogical Practice & Dialogical Philosophising: Philosophy in the Community 12 to 15 September 24

Philosophy in the Community
Thursday 12 to Sunday 15 September 2024
Holgate Centre, Grey College, Durham University, Durham, UK
The aim of the colloquium is to create space for dialogue amongst participants, with a focus on group discussion and other collaborative activities. Numbers will be limited to about 35, and all participants will be expected to stay for the full event, engage actively in the colloquium and have experience of, and a commitment to, dialogical practice.
About the theme: Philosophy in the Community
Doing philosophy outside the academy is increasingly popular – in pubs, workplaces, prisons, youth clubs, neighbourhood centres and outdoor settings. Often the aim is to engage people from a range of age groups and diverse backgrounds in collaborative, critical dialogue. 'Communities' may comprise people who live near each other, and/or people who share other common interests and identities. Questions we may address during the Colloquium include:
- What are some of the benefits and challenges of engaging people in community philosophising?
- How do we reach people who would not normally think of doing philosophy, and how do we facilitate groups of people from diverse economic, cultural and religious backgrounds?
- What is the potential of dialogical philosophising for healing conflict, inspiring collective action for change and empowering groups and individuals?
About the colloquium
The colloquium will comprise a variety of dialogical activities, usually undertaken in small groups, which may include Socratic Dialogues, short dialogical exercises, dialogical and arts-based workshops, an outdoor dialogue, sharing methods and challenges in working with specific communities (e.g. medical professionals, business people) and poster-focused activities. There will be a free afternoon on the Saturday, with opportunities to undertake a guided walk, and/or visit Durham Cathedral, Castle, Botanic Garden, Oriental Museum, tea shops and more.